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Precifast anpassar ventilationen - Sparar 300 000 kr


Lowering and optimizing energy consumption

Håkan Möller, Quality and Environmental Manager at Precifast, has been actively working on the goal of reducing and optimizing the company's energy consumption since the 90s. With that vision and the high electricity prices, the installation of a monitoring system was a necessity and DAZOQ system became the perfect solution. ”Jag var i kontakt med flera bolag men valde DAZOQ för att visualiseringen och implementeringen verkade pedagogisk och enkel, vilket var en aspekt som var väldigt viktig för mig. Dessutom hade DAZOQ mätare upp till 600 Ampere vilket andra inte kunde erbjuda. Vi fick även chansen via Energy Evolution center att testa systemet innan implementering och det gjorde att jag kände mig väldigt trygg med valet av tjänst.” – Håkan Möller.


Reduced the speed of their fans

One of the biggest changes that has saved Precifast money and energy was the adaptation of the ventilation system. Through DAZOQ EI, Precifast was able to extract knowledge and lower the speed of the fans adapted to its production facility. "Before, we had an unnecessary flow of supply and exhaust air. We didn't make use of the hot air that was produced, but it disappeared into thin air.” - Håkan Möller. With the help of DAZOQ's temperature and humidity meter, they can also ensure the quality of the products and the climate of the business.


Saves money and time

The ventilation adjustment saved Precifast 300,000 SEK per year, and the change in fan speed has saved them 200,000 kWh per year, along with a reduction in district heating costs. Precifast also utilizes the service Energy advice A service we offer our customers who find it difficult to find the time to analyze the data themselves. We analyze all measurement points and deliver a detailed summary with suggestions for improvement. We also calculate the cost impact of the measures we propose. "I see the energy consultancy as a very positive addition. It is easy to become home blind and get stuck on your own problems without seeing solutions. Then I also know that the work does not end just because the first thieves have been found. It is a constant effort to constantly improve the business and our climate footprint. That is where I think your energy experts can be of great help and I will certainly continue with that service.” – Håkan Möller.


Involve everyone in our improvements

"My next step with DAZOQ's system is also to show all the data and process improvements to my employees. I believe that it will result in a great commitment from everyone to constantly drive the company forward. Today we share a lot of tips within the group and we always update each other on smart and sustainable solutions.” – Håkan Möller.

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