About us

Energy efficiency for your industry

We focus on helping the industrial sector to reduce and optimize its energy use through a user-friendly and smart energy management system. With our wireless sensors we measure energy use in real time, at the machine level, to provide industries with fact-based data on which to base their decisions. 

In our web-based platform, we visualize energy use in an educational and simple way. It gives our customers a clear and distinct picture of how different machines and processes affect energy consumption and what effects it has when you adjust and optimize them. Our solution is currently implemented in over 50 industries and together with our committed customers we have saved over 4 million kWh so far. Learn more about how our existing customers have used DAZOQ EI.

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DAZOQ's history

It all started with two guys and the same vision; Helping manufacturing and process industries to understand their energy usage, reduce their energy demand and help them to achieve their sustainability goals. Sometimes the world is a small place – Sajid and Dominic, the founders of DAZOQ, come from the same village in India, met while studying their masters degree in Energy and Environmental engineering at Linköpings University and shared a passion of changing the world by reducing the carbon footprint.

Together with a competent team, a solution that visualizes, tracks and saves energy in real time was created. With DAZOQ’s wireless sensors and our web-based platform, we provide a unique service, giving our customers 24/7 energy monitoring. We strive to make a difference- one company at a time.

Your safe energy partner

We are convinced that successful energy efficiency work is a joint effort. Therefore, we are always close at hand if you need help in your business. We offer continuous follow-up and feedback so that you can achieve maximum value from our service DAZOQ EI. We also constantly develop new features with the help of feedback from our customers to ensure that our solution is always in line with new needs. Simply your safe sparring partner in energy and efficiency!

Meet the team!

Sajid Athikkay

CEO & Co-founder

Eva Vollmer

Head of Customer Success

Behnam Sani

Software developer

Johanna Palmér

Johanna Palmér

Senior Advisor

Michael Kullberg

Head of Marketing & Product Design

Carolina Nilsson

Marketing consultant

Meet the board!

Dominic Francis


Cristian Torrusio

Cristian Torrusio

Technology advisor

Rickard Gadmar

Rickard Gadmar

Industrial expert

Klas Gustafson

Klas Gustafson

Industry expert

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