Customer stories

See how our customers have gained new insights and saved money with DAZOQ EI

Loka Brunn finds patterns in energy, occupancy and temperature

Via DAZOQ EI, Loka Brunn collects energy consumption data of the various houses. That curve is then superimposed over the occupancy curve and the temperature curve to find patterns in how energy consumption is affected by the degree of occupancy versus outside temperature. DAZOQ EI
also helps them see the average value of the different houses, which means they can see which houses are the most energy efficient.

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Hasopor AB reduces their energy usage by 10%

Hasopor use a lot of energy and was interested in understanding their energy usage in more detail to have the opportunity to optimize it. DAZOQ's system felt like a perfect service for the challenge and the goal of becoming more energy-efficient. Daniel Ellison, CEO of Hasopor, was also interested in measuring and visualizing more to enable insights into how to plan the optimization of the business going forward.

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Hörle Wire are focusing on lower their peak loads

With the help of DAZOQ EI, Hörle Wire has reduced its energy consumption by 6% compared to the previous year. But it doesn't stop there—Hörle has also gained knowledge and insights into its efficiency and peak loads. With DAZOQ EI, they can strategically plan and distribute start times to avoid coinciding peak loads.

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