Baettr optimizes their energy with DAZOQ
High energy consumption
Baettr AB i Guldsmedshyttan konstruerar och tillverkar komponenter till vindkraftverk och är en av fem anläggningar som ingår i koncernen med lokaler i Sverige, Danmark, Tyskland, Indien och Kina. Anledningen till att man installerade DAZOQ EI var helt enkelt för den höga energiförbrukning och hur man kan optimera den för att spara pengar och hjälpa till att bidra till en mer hållbar värld.
Extraction fan at maximum, completely unnecessarily
One of the biggest consumers that could be identified in the system was the ventilation and the various extraction filters, which consume almost 3000 kWh per day. Through real-time measurement and energy monitoring, Baettr was able to reduce the energy consumption of one of its filters by approximately 600-700 kWh per day. Another discovery was that a large extraction fan was running at maximum, 140 kW. The filter had been installed and started at maximum, and no one had ever looked at what was actually needed and adjusted it. An unnecessary occurrence that would not have been discovered without DAZOQ EI.
"Perceived positively by the management team and managers because it becomes so clear how savings can be found."
The reduction in energy consumption of one of their filters results in savings of approximately 150,000 SEK per year if the energy price is one SEK. In addition to the savings, Tommy Karlsson believes that DAZOQ EI provides a clear and concise view of energy consumption. "The fantastic thing about the system is that it's so visual. The feedback comes directly in the system, and it becomes more enjoyable for the electricians who see clear graphs of what happens as soon as a change is made. It has also been positively received by the management team and managers because the savings and how we can work with it become so clear." – Tommy Karlsson.
Uses the alarm function to receive feedback immediately
Baettr continues to explore new ways to reduce energy consumption and investigates the causes of high energy consumption in certain buildings. They plan to implement additional measures, such as retrofitting frequency converters to further reduce energy consumption. They will also use alarm functions to automate the energy management system and reduce unnecessary energy consumption. DAZOQ also offers temperature and humidity sensors, which Baettr has installed. "We have set an alarm for humidity now. When it reaches over 80%, the system gives a warning, making it easier for us to follow up and take action so that the quality of our components does not suffer. I believe that the alarm functions offered by DAZOQ will be of great help in our future work." – Tommy Karlsson.
DAZOQ helps companies increase their energy efficiency and sustainability through real-time machine-level energy monitoring. Through effective communication of savings potential, we can together contribute to a more cost-effective, resource-efficient and energy-efficient future. Contact us and we'll gladly tell you more.