Sustainability Goals in Practice: How We Take the Step Towards a Sustainable Future
Från ett globalt perspektiv till det mest lokala, hållbarhet har blivit en av de mest angelägna frågorna i vår tid. Det handlar om att skapa en värld som är bättre för oss själva, våra samhällen och kommande generationer. En viktig del att följa när det kommer till hållbarhetsresan är FN:s globala mål (SDG-målen), som utgör en vägkarta mot en mer rättvis och hållbar framtid. 17 mål som vi önskar vi kunde baka in i vår företagshistoria och arbeta aktivt med för att bidra till en mer hållbar värld. Men hållbarhet är också en fråga som bygger på ärlighet och transparens. Vi kan inte få in alla 17 mål i vår verksamhet, men vi kan göra så mycket vi kan för att försöka bidra. Vi har därför identifierat oss med två av SDG-målen och vi ska nu, ärligt, berätta om hur vi arbetar med dem. Låt oss presentera 13.3 och 7.3, två nyckelspelare i vår hållbarhetsresa.
13. The eye of climate changes
Goal 13 is about tackling one of the greatest challenges of our time, climate change. On the UN's website, under 13.3, it states: 'Enhance education, awareness, and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning.' Furthermore, the UN's website highlights actions crucial to reducing global warming: 'We need to strengthen people's and communities' resilience to climate change. To address climate change, we must transform how we use our resources, including energy, industrial production, and agriculture. It is still possible to limit future planetary warming.
As a company with a vision to make all industries more sustainable through innovation, we are committed to simplify energy efficiency for the manufacturing sector. We contribute by raising awareness of industrial energy consumption and visualizing it in a clear and educational manner through our platform. We also provide an operator's view so that everyone, including those working in production, can understand the behavior of energy and the impact of various decisions, such as turning off a machine instead of leaving it in standby when not in use. By increasing awareness of sustainable energy practices, we can contribute to a greener tomorrow and reduce our carbon emissions.
7. Affordable and clean energy
Goal 7 is about ensuring affordable and sustainable access to modern energy for all. We can specifically relate to 7.3, which aims to 'Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030.' This is the core mission of DAZOQ, and it's what we strive for every day – a more energy-efficient world. The UN states, 'Sweden has decided that our electricity supply should be 100 percent renewable by 2040 and that our energy use should be 50 percent more efficient by 2030 compared to 2005.'
By utilizing green energy, we reduce carbon emissions and contribute to a more sustainable world. However, even green energy is a resource that must be used responsibly. It's not about not using energy – it's essential for our society. Instead, it's about being cautious and avoiding unnecessary energy waste. When we discuss economics, the term stop wasting and start savingoften comes up. We want that phrase to carry the same weight and significance in the context of energy. Through our energy management system, which measures real-time energy consumption, industrial companies can make data-driven decisions and actively work to streamline their energy usage. In this way, we and our clients contribute to reduced emissions and lower costs.
We understand that climate change knows no borders. It affects us all, regardless of where we live or who we are. Let's come together to discuss honest sustainability communication and take action on the aspects within our reach. In a world of expectations and goals, it's easy to stumble in our own communication about sustainable practices, as we all aspire to be as environmentally conscious as possible. However, we're all in different phases of our corporate journey. Be open, listen, absorb, and let yourself be inspired by the sustainability efforts of others without feeling the pressure to be at the exact same stage in that journey. Everyone can contribute something, and we believe that Goal 13.3 and 7.3 are two key players in our sustainability journey. It's something we are excited and proud to present and integrate into our work and culture.
DAZOQ helps companies increase their energy efficiency and sustainability through real-time machine-level energy monitoring. Through effective communication of savings potential, we can together contribute to a more cost-effective, resource-efficient and energy-efficient future. Contact us and we'll gladly tell you more.